By Master Sgt. Kevin Fulcher
To expedite his district’s building process, Zermaed Muhklis, the Sabari District governor, and Khost Provincial Reconstruction Team civil affairs members travelled to Kholbessat Khalay May 10 to view two project sites slated for improvements.
Muhklis, and U.S. Army 1st Lt. David Tressler, Khost PRT civil affairs officer, met with a local elder of the village to validate the need for the projects and to gauge the potential impact on the community.
“The visit provided an opportunity for the district governor to take ownership of the project nomination process and to demonstrate to the population that he, as the leading Afghan government official in the district, will be the driving force in the district’s development,” said Tressler.
“The district governor personally inspected the proposed development site so he could approve the elders’ proposal and endorse the project in the provincial government’s selection process,” said Tressler.
This visit shows the measures the district governor is taking to ensure development and prove to the population that the Afghan government is actively working on their behalf.
The requested improvement projects include completing classrooms in the local mosque to be used by the village’s school, and building a retaining wall for a canal to better utilize water run-off for the crops.
The projects are identified by the village elders, submitted to the district governor for approval and further development. The projects are then sent to the Khost Director of Economy for final approval by the Provincial Development Committee, Tressler said.
KHOST PROVINCE, Afghanistan – U.S. Army 1st Lt. David Tressler, Khost Provincial Reconstruction Team civil affairs officer, and Zermaed Muhklas, Sabari district governor, discuss a potential construction project with a Kholbessat Khalay village elder, May 10. The governor traveled to the site to evaluate the impact it will have on the local community. (Photo by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt Kevin Fulcher, Khost PRT Public Affairs Office)
I was one of the first two USACE civilians assigned to the Khost PRT at Chapman. I am happy to see how much things have improved in the AO.